Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform 6.0

Component xml.opensocialConfig


XML Source

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <extension target="org.nuxeo.opensocial.service.impl.OpenSocialServiceImpl"

    <!--overall configuration of opensocial that is sufficient for most people -->
        <!--most users don't need to create this key but it can be
        created with this command line on unix
        dd if=/dev/random bs=32 count=1  | openssl base64 > /tmp/key.txt
        then just paste the contents of key.txt into this tag-->

      <!--this is the URL that you want shindig to expose to other service providers
          where it can call us back.  if you have nuxeo running somewhere other than
          /nuxeo, you should set this to something like /<myPrefix>/opensocial/gadgets/oauthcallback -->
      <!--most people can just put the hostname+port that is visible to outside providers in the right
          place below and then keep the same path part ... some providers (like Atlassian)
          allow you to supply this on their config panel as well but it appears that
          the value here overrides the value there... this value must NOT end in slash!-->

      <!--very few folks need to use this, it's only needed if you want to use
          different servers than the "all in one shindig + nuxeo" configuration -->


  <!--list of outside oauth providers that you have told about
   nuxeo being a consumer... and thus nuxeo can run their
   gadgets that need oauth -->
      these are gadgets that are displayed on the nuxeo dashboard that need oauth

      this must match the service name in the gadget's oauth service section.. if you don't see
          such a service name, leave this blank and the service name will default to ""

      this is something you supply to the service provider... it's just a string

      if you leave this blank, we will use the RSA key defined above as the externalPrivateKey... this
      is only needed if you want to use a special, different key for this service provider

      This a list of nuxeo trusted hosts. Such a host will be passed the
      browsers jsession id to avoid the need to constantly re-authenticate to
      retrieve nuxeo data when the user is already logged into a nuxeo server
      to access the dashboard. List should be coma separated.
